Portal to Africa

What's happened since Nando's launched its online marketplace connecting South African design businesses with Nando's' interior designers worldwide? Let the numbers speak for themselves


Nando’s Portal to Africa… An online, carefully curated shopping platform featuring the work of some of Southern Africa’s best designer-makers. The Portal is exclusively for the use of interior designers that design Nando’s restaurants around the world. It launched in May 2018. There are 51 designer-makers with products listed on the Portal and more than 40 have received orders through the platform.

The figures represented are for 15 months of operation, 1 May 2018 – 10 Jan 2020

‘Through the Business Development Initiative as well as The Portal to Africa, we hope to establish sustainable demand with the assistance of partnerships and, through a collaborative approach with the industry, ensure that the sector is scaled up to meet the growing demand. We see our engagement with these businesses as a journey… Ultimately the long-term objective is to develop South African design as a globally sought-after category brand.’ Michael Spinks, Nando’s property and development director.

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